Disability Afternoon Tea at the Library
People living with disability, their families, carers, and friends are invited to share stories, experiences and enjoy community life every second Thursday of the month starting 13 January 2022 at Lithgow Library
Lithgow City Council and LINC (Lithgow information and Neighbourhood Centre) have announced the creation of a new community gathering space at Lithgow City Library starting January 13, 2022. This space has been created to promote positive community attitudes and behaviours in relation to people with a disability.
People’s attitudes can impact all aspects of the community life of people with a disability. Therefore, the Lithgow community is breaking barriers to participation and inclusion one cup of tea at a time.
Everyone is welcomed to have a cup of tea, chat, read, play games, and enjoy the afternoon. Please bring something to share.
Lithgow City Council is committed to enabling all people to participate in every part of community life. This commitment is outlined in detail in Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, which can be accessed via the Council website at https://council.lithgow.com/community/disability-inclusion-action-plan/
For further information about the event or to get a copy of Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, please contact Council’s Community Development Officers