local history collection
About Lithgow Local History Collection
The Local History team is responsible for the care and management of local history resources held by the Library relating to the Lithgow local government area.
The Local History collection comprises an extensive variety of resources including photographs, vertical files, Lithgow City Council archives, community archives, newspapers and maps. There is also a genealogical resource collection that includes local oral history recordings.
Many items have been catalogued and can be found using the OPAC. Search for local history information using keywords.
Access to the Reference Local History Collection is available during local history area open hours. This material cannot be borrowed. There is a limited borrowing collection available. Material may be photocopied, subject to the conditions specified under the Copyright Act.

The collection covers a broad range of published and unpublished material relating to the Lithgow region. It also includes selected Australian historical publications that enhance the core collection.
Additional resources include electoral rolls, environmental impact statements, Lithgow local history periodicals and videos.
The collection provides documentary evidence of Lithgow’s history and compliments the other resources held in the collection.
The photograph collection, whilst modest in size, covers a broad subject range. There are also other community photograph collections that are accessible for research.
Copies of the photographs may be purchased, if the Library holds the copyright.
Hours of Operation
The Local Studies Room will be open from 10.00am to 12.00noon Monday to Friday.
Access outside of these hours is available for users of the microfilm resources. All other access outside of these hours will be by appointment, to ensure the Local History Officer can provide assistance.
Please contact the Library on 6352 9100 to discuss further or for more information.
Vertical Files
The vertical file collection covers a broad range of subjects of topical interest. These include industry and commerce, government, local organisations, recreation and biographies. There are also files with information on the townships found within the Lithgow Local Government area.
The files consist of newspaper cuttings, unpublished material and other miscellaneous documents not found in the Archives and Ephemera Collections.
The local newspaper collection includes the Lithgow Mercury, Portland Mercury, Lithgow Clarion and the Lithgow Times.
The newspapers are in microfilm format and the library has 2 microform readers. There are also bound print copies of the Lithgow Mercury, Portland Mercury, Lithgow Clarion and the Lithgow Times. The bound copies are for preservation and are not for public access.
The Lithgow Mercury is indexed on both a card file and on our automated catalogue. There is a link to the index on the OPAC which makes searching for newspaper articles easier.
The Lithgow Mercury (1898 to 1954) is also available in digitised format on TROVE via the National Library of Australia website http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-title1176
World War 1 Research
In a research project that took Mr Ian Burrett over 1500 hours 762 people have been identified to have been born or lived and worked in the Lithgow area at some time prior to enlistment in World War 1. Of those, 72 died during their service and are not named on the Cenotaph in Queen Elizabeth Park.
The file below lists the names, number, rank and any awards received by the men and women who served. The numbers in the last column related to references for further information about that soldier. Please speak to the Local Studies officer for assistance with this.
View World War 1 Research – Enlisted Men and Women from Lithgow Area
Coal to Gold
In 2001, Lithgow Regional Library and Bathurst City Library successfully applied for a Library Development Grant from the Library Council of New South Wales.
The project titled From Coal to Gold – local information with a Regional focus brought together a project team from Lithgow and Bathurst libraries to develop the local studies collections of both library services.
Archives & Ephemera
The archives collection comprises Lithgow Council records, Lithgow business records, industry records and other community records.
The ephemera collection includes business cards, catalogues, electoral material, flyers, handbills, newsletters, pamphlets, promotional material, programs and miscellaneous documents.
Council of the City of Lithgow Historical Records available on Microfilm
Council of the City of Lithgow (Roll 1) Valuation Books 1911-1919
Council of the City of Lithgow (Roll 2) Valuation Books 1920-1922
Council of the City of Lithgow (Roll 3) Rates Books 1914-1919
Council of the City of Lithgow (Roll 4) Rates Books 1920-1920 (Assessment)
The folios are oversize original material that includes Lithgow Mercury supplements, supplements from other newspapers, local history information sheets, calendars and posters.
Family History Resources
Family History resources
The family History resources include monographs, the State Records Genealogical Kit and oral history recordings.
The Lithgow Mercury has been indexed for birth, death and marriage notices.
Lithgow also has a Family History Society that provides research facilities.